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Vibration at low speed only-2012 Merc 250 Optimax PROXS on Checkmate 2012 Pulsare 2100BR turning a 24"SS, 85 hrs. Its fine at other speeds? Any ideas?

If the motor has had solid mounts installed, that will cause a vibration at lower RPMs.
Thanks Glenn. I'll try taking the prop off & having a look? In the meantime, I gather running it like this will cause damage to the shaft?
Many thanks.
I have a 2400 Pulsare / 300R. One day my Bravo FS prop started to suddenly "rattle and vibrate" at idle speeds. I thought the lower unit was tearing up! Once it was over 2000 rpm it was very smooth again and I think if yours is smooth at 2000 rpm, it won't harm the prop shaft or prop shaft seals. I put a new hub into the FS prop, and the vibration was gone. I replaced the snubber strips on the solid hub and put it into my ProMax prop and it was smooth as well. Sometimes you can get exhaust rattle as well from the vents and unequal plug sizes or spacings.
Sorry for the late reply. Their are 3 holes around the prop. Evenly spaced out around the circumference. No plugs.
Thanks again.
Sorry for the late reply. Their are 3 holes around the prop. Evenly spaced out around the circumference. No plugs.
Thanks again.
You can always find another prop to try before you buy a new hub or a Delrin strip kit. Of course you won't know for certain if it is the prop or hub but at least you will know it is one of the two if your vibration disappears. Does your prop have a hub or does it have a rubber pressed in hub like the old style props?
You can always find another prop to try before you buy a new hub or a Delrin strip kit. Of course you won't know for certain if it is the prop or hub but at least you will know it is one of the two if your vibration disappears. Does your prop have a hub or does it have a rubber pressed in hub like the old style props?
Little history: I bought this in Apr of this year. On a whim. I have another boat too. I've spent a lot of $ getting fixed up to my standards. New mooring cover, hot foot installation, ski bar, etc. Depth sounder. And more... thousands. I'm thinking of selling it & keeping my other boat.

It has the hub. It's a 2012, so relatively new. This prop was all reconditioned too & balanced. Plus at the same time the skeg was also bent and I had the lower unit taken off & straightened & repainted. The dealer where I bought it from is a good guy. I'm the 2nd owner.

People are referencing solid mounts? How would I know, if this 2012 250 pro max XS Optimax has these or not? Excuse my ignorance. Are these motor mounts?
Little history: I bought this in Apr of this year. On a whim. I have another boat too. I've spent a lot of $ getting fixed up to my standards. New mooring cover, hot foot installation, ski bar, etc. Depth sounder. And more... thousands. I'm thinking of selling it & keeping my other boat.

It has the hub. It's a 2012, so relatively new. This prop was all reconditioned too & balanced. Plus at the same time the skeg was also bent and I had the lower unit taken off & straightened & repainted. The dealer where I bought it from is a good guy. I'm the 2nd owner.

People are referencing solid mounts? How would I know, if this 2012 250 pro max XS Optimax has these or not? Excuse my ignorance. Are these motor mounts?
Sorry, I thought it was smooth at one point and then developed the vibration. If the prop has a replaceable hub it could still be the hub or some of the other items suggested. If the skeg was bent, the lower unit probably hit something so the prop was reconditioned as well. Did they check if the propshaft was bent when they repaired the lower unit? If you slowly rotate the prop and keep you eyes focused on the nut, you might be able to tell if it traces a perfect circle or not. I have measured the run out on my prop shaft at 0.0015" and I believe Mercury says 0.002" is within spec. to my eye, my prop nut traces a perfect circle so you might not able to see anything under 0.003"?? However if you had a bent prop shaft, I think it would vibrate at all speeds.