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Even More CL Finds!

Dip, I can't get over some of the pics of boats people post for sale on CL. Like that Playmate Jet LD, it's obviously had a rough life, but couldn't the owner have spent an afternoon cleaning, straightening, and fixing things before snapping a few CL pics? Especially when you are asking top $$$!

This is a nice clean little boat w- a good ad.

Maybe if your only "selling" it because the "significant other" said so, your not putting too much effort into the add ;)

Would be interesting to do an analysis of mis-spelled words and limited vague information compared to the condition of the item for sale. . .
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Looks like a bed of toxic mold in that bow area and float sticks...hmm. Lol
$3,000 for a shell...pretty steep.

Looks like the high tide line in the bow area when the vessel has been left out in the weather, bow down, on the trailer, with the drain plug in place. With the 90 hp engine in there, it isn't fast. PO might soil himself on a run in some Playmate I could mention. Some translations: 'Runs good' (at some point in the past) 'Looks good' (from about 75 yards or after 6 Jack and Cokes, buyers choice on this one) 'Took it in on trade' (possible contraband issue involved here) 'New battery' (back when it was originally purchased during the 1973 oil shortage) 'Small carb issue' (on the number three carb that was under water for a portion of last winter) 'Ski and tube ready to ride' ( if you have penicillin complete body lotion available and a very low standard of cleanliness) 'Starts up and runs' (on starting fluid, three spare batteries and six sets of jumper cables) ( on one, maybe two, but never all three cylinders) 'Don't have time to use it' (takes a while to air up the tires and get it started, and then row all the way back in to the dock) 'Trailer in great shape' (compared to 'used hay' ? ) Brownie points but no cookie for transom tie downs present in picture. Nearly empty oil injection reservoir tells a story.
93 253 Convincor w- 454 for 14.5k.

89 Enforcer w- 454 for 10k.

95 Persuader w- 454 for 13.5k.

98 2100 Pulsare w- 225 Merc for 15k.

89 201 Spectra w- 200 Evinrude for $6800.

89 17' Spectra w- 150 Evinrude for 5k.

87 Starflite w- 2.4 Bridgeport for $9500. Sharp-

00 CM Venom project for 2k. Maybe Coop can tell us if CM actually built this hull.

79 Eluder w-350 for 4K.

77 Trimate w- 1500 Merc for $675. Asking is worth the I6 and CM tabs.

72 MX15 w- 150 Merc for $3200. Tx9's boat...well worth the $$ for a classic CM!

76 MX13 (?) w- 70 Johnson for $1200. Nice little boat for the $$.
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