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the fun of refinishing a predictor

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well here ya go then

i finally got the motor off and started sanding. man that dust gets everywhere.

see how high that motor stand is? thats a prime example why you measure twice.:sssh:

man i have to go out of state for a week for work. this leaves me with only 3 weeks to get my boat done.

its just about ready for primer now. i think ill just lock myself in the garage for a week, then run out for some more beer and then back into the garage. i usually work better and faster under limited time.
i got the garage all taped up. all i have to do is give it a once over to get all the dust out and im ready for primer on saturday.
Have fun!
Make sure you got some air flowing through there otherwise you wont be able to see in there with all the overspray in the air. I cut a 4" x 12" holes in the plastic and covered it with cheese cloth. This allowed air to flow in from an open door outside the plastic. Then had a couple of box fans blowing out 2 windows. It allowed air to flow through the spray booth, but it also kept any dust from getting in.

Have a blast and be sure to post pictures of your progress!

This picture kind of shows you what I did. Its a 2 car garage but I only used 1 side. On the right of the picture you can see the cheese cloth. The opening in the back is to let the heat in from the baseboard heater. I did not have that open when I sprayed.
well its not much but here it is. its all wiped down vacumed and clean. too bad i wont be able to primer until saturday.

man it take sooo long to get all the plastic up and all sealed. shoot i have like 5 hours into that alone.

how long does the interlux primer and paint take to cure? i will be doing 2-3 coats. is 24 hours good for applying tape?

Matt, glad to see that things are moving along. It will all be worth it when you can say that you have the badest predictor on the net!:cool:
Looking good.

I am not sure about interlux, but with the Bluewater paint I used you could re-apply after 15 minutes. The can should say how much time is needed between coats. I wouldnt think the primer would be cured enough after 24 hours to apply tape. I can remeber exactly how long I waited to apply, but I know I only waited 24 hours to pull tape off. It was extremely hard to wait that long!
"no luck" kinda long

ok so i have a story to tell you all about my first day primering the boat.

i got up on saturday morning and headed out to the garage. i went through my checklist to make sure i had everything to start painting. all i needed was a water trap to work with the compressor i barrowed. i went to the store and picked one up. ok now im ready.

i kicked on the compressor and started mixing the primer. i was using an older gun i got from a friend. i figured it would be fine for primer. well after a couple test sprays i noticed it wasnt shooting too well. i messed with it some more and could not get it right. just now the compressor tried to kick on and the lights dimmed and then went out. so here i am in the dark with wet paint on the walls and stuff in the way. i made it to the door for some light. i found out the garage that was just built two years ago has a fuse box not a breaker box. :confused: WTF it had 30 amp box with a 20 amp fuse that was popped. and of coarse i dont have any replacements.

this is when i went into the house and took a time out. i was soooo mad i was about to pop like that fuse.

after the time out i went to the store and picked up some 30 amp fuses. i also picked up a new primer gun and some fittings. i put the fuses in and bam the compressor kicked on. i was like sweet time for primer. i mixed up a second can and start spraying. all was well until the compressor tried to start again. out went the lights. ok now i have paint on the boat, its dark, and i am at my whits end.

i checked the fuse and it was fine. i went into the house to find the garage wired to a 15 amp breaker. are you @#*$ing serious i said. so now i have all this primer mixed with some on the boat and can not use it. :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

well after a steak dinner and a couple beers:cheers i cooled off. i decided to roll on the primer. i picked up all the supplies and started into it. it went on ok. i got the whole thing rolled on in no time.

today i wet sanded it all down and am pretty pleased with the results. one more coat will do.

I sure hope this isnt a sign of things to come this boating season.

Hey Matt, if you need electrical help, let me know. I might even be able to get a different compressor that would work in your situation.
hey matt,
sorry to here things didnt go as planned for you. I rolled the primer on the bottom of my boat and it came out fine. Keep up the good work and keep the pictures coming!
well here is a foto of with one coat of white and one coat of black. the tape is still on after the black. i messed up on the taping though. see if you can find it from my drawing. i didnt realize it until i cracked a beer and came back out to grade the job i had done.

i must say i am in a way better mood than i was on saturday.:thumb:

Good work, looks like you may be back on the water by Memorial Day.......................................if the power will stay on:banana:
yeah it is missing the red but i messed up on the taping. i wanted the red to be rounded where it meets the black on the bow in fromt of the windshield. i made it a 90 degree angle. i noticed it after i had it all painted. i should be able to fix it though.
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