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Where are you from?

hanging off the end of our continent

you see that spit of land (what its called) that hangs off the mid atlantic coast? eastern shore. not a bad place to live. i can remember smimming in my mothers belly when i was minus 5 months while dad was digging clams. i can fill 2 baskets full of clams & oysters, before i notice the fishing rod bent double with a flounder on it iff i go seaside and within 20 minutes, ivedone pulled boat up, rode to bayside, launched my boat, and eating a tangeir crabcake before an hour has passed. no wonder i look down and find indian artifacts & arrowheads under my feet. this place has been awesome to people for thousands of years. theres not enough chesapeake bay for me to see in a lifetime, even though we can travel more nautical miles faster than anyone. its got to the point i want slow down and enjoy this priceless spit of land, and do it in my speed boats fast enough that i get to see as much as i can, without ever leaving the creek:thumb:
hello new member just bought a 1980 eluder open bow inboard 260hp. boat has 198 hrs its still like new just got back from a week on the lake it will pull with the best of them. great boat. I am from washington state in the tacoma area.
muddy creek

you asked ware im from, and i hated to admit it, but actually the cabin is a quarter mile from the ramp where we can only launch on med to high tide.good thing or i might never come in by boat. ive stuck my nose in alot of sh** bfore, but i tried never stick my nosecone in it, but if you ever experienced the cabin before, you wouldnt care about your nose, cone, or boat. low tide you can walk the channel to the ramp knee deep, and at 3 or 4 am scare the sh** out of the folks either freiging or indulging at the ramp, when we walked up the ramp in frozen coveralls. you dont think that when i ride by guard shore beach watching the mexican tomatoe pickers bathing in my bay, thati dont think about what the softcrab i just ate, ate? have you ever seen people go to a beach, go swimming, with a bar of soap in their hand? it didnt taste like soap, but i try not to accidentally swallow any water if i fall overboard drunk.:popcorn: i do tend to wonder if they know what they might be eating after the chemicals they use to grow those tomatoes washed into my hometown creek, but then again, i keep smiling, keep flying, and continue to enjoy living in this place, where you just tasted the crabcake . i just had a bunch of lobsters thank me for giving them some oxygen last night, for fixing the electric water pumps. it wasnt as good as 600' down in the canyon, but it was better than being in my steamer pot, and i didnt have to think about tasting any soap off a tomatoe picker in my crabcake. the illegals are gone now and save the bay foundation can rest easy now. im eating lobster, drinking whiskey, and the corner of my mouth is touching my ear, thanks to the saltine cracker.:drool:
You definitely want to avoid drinking any water from the Ohio River! Lord only knows what will start growing inside you. You would have to flush the system out real good with a lot of whiskey. Enjoy the lobster as I've never been able to touch the stuff. Allergies to sea food and fish!!! Canned tuna only for me.
Maryland, born and raised here, spent my entire life on and around the Chesapeake Bay, (Magothy River). ;)
Your newest memeber here and newest boat owner with a 1977 checkmate convincer (grand off craigslist, plus im serving over seas so getting my hands on it was a pain, be back in march) from Joliet, Illinois.
hi to all. my name is charles. i was raised south of i-10 on the ole laccasine bayou. was born with mud between my toes from chasing them crayfish in the marshy holes. not quite as big as a lobster but will give you a grin as big as a monster. down here in south west lousiana ,we dont have many mates ,but if the good lord is willing, there will be one more classic to line up at the starting gate. trimate II with a 175 evinrude will soon be on the water to go ride with all of you. coonazz poetry i hope yall enjoy if u ever in my neck of the woods give me a call i will show you some of the prettyest swamps of all.
I guess I missed this thread.

I live in Tucson, AZ and I usually boat on Apache Lake near the Phoenix area....


...but sometimes the Starflite makes it up to Pelican Rapids, MN in the Summer.
