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When I was younger,my Uncle had 3Checkmates.A MX,A jet,and I believe a small 68or 69,single passenger Hydro style,with a Big Merc!Maybe a 100H.P.outboard!We used to go to LAKE ZOAR in Oxford Conn.There was a huge dam at the end of the lake with a 1,ooofoot drop to the lower Lake!Savin Rock was a big amusement park,in WestHaven,Conn.(like Coney Island)It's long gone now...The lake is still a very big lake,for CONN.,but if I remember,it had 3 or 4 tiers,on the border of NewYork State...I can smell the hotdog's and fried clam's,shrimp,OOOBABY! Those were the day's my friends!Great Memories>

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