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Twin engine Pulse 2400- When?


Well-known member
I've heard the rumors... any truth to these?
How soon can I pre-order?

If so, I'm going to hold off on everything else and start saving!

One with the notched transom option would do the trick, I'd think:devil:
I've heard the rumors... any truth to these?
How soon can I pre-order?

If so, I'm going to hold off on everything else and start saving!

One with the notched transom option would do the trick, I'd think:devil:

Call Wildman you can order one today!!:thumb: From what I understand you wil be about 5 to 6 thousand more for a beefed up transom then your power. I am guessing with a pair of 300xs you will probally be at 75k range give or take a few!! I would love to see one witha pair of 250's so you can use regular gas.:thumb:
I have been going back and forth on this idea for months now... I have had many conversations with the Factory and Randy yet I am still not comfortable with the move.

Check This is correct, the factory will entertain the idea for an additional $5K Plus due to the prototype costs for most of the stern area. It is not just the splashwell, but the corners of the transom/deck that "flare" out. Quite a bit of work.

Kind of steep unless you could split it up with a few other guys.:poke:

Then there is the uncertainty of how it would handle. The 300XS is by far the best motor I have ever had, so it would need a counter-rotating sister. It is easy to say that 600HP (outboard) would push this hull into the 90's, but how would it handle??? This hull does not have a "true pad" and I don't know if it has any "hook" or "rocker" either.

Setback is another concern? I need to be able to trim for the shallow areas, but I don't think the boat would benefit from having over 1000lbs 2 feet off of the transom.

I guess what I am saying is, if Checkmate wants to spend the time & money to research the possibility, I may be interested. But to spend $75K plus for totally unknown performance scares the S*** out of me. I totally understand why they wouln't want to take that risk as well...how many would they sell???

This is one set-up that I can wait for someone else to succeed with..

I really want to see one of these boats too. If there is a Pulsare that would break 100....this would be the way to do it. I have the same concern as you Hotdaddy.....that is a lot of weight to be hanging off of the back of that thing especially with a good amount of setback. I think at speed a good set of stern lift props would help to counter-act the weight, but at slow speeds I imagine it would sit very low in the stern. I would imagine with counter rotating twins that it would be less likely to chine walk than a set-up with a single would......just thinking out loud here.
Splitting the cost would be a great option, if there was a few interested in it (depending on hull cost- I may be. I probably can't swing a fully rigged boat at the moment:brickwall:)

I too, was thinking that a pair of 250s would be a good choice- regular gas would be nice. The cool factor of twin 300s can't be beat, though. Tough choice...

As far as setback goes- I envisioned using the notched transom, giving you a stress free 10", then add small jackplates. Checkmate still has the insert for the notch, so it can be done. The transom is under enough stress with 1010lbs and I would be scared of using jackplates with significant setback.
Wow, 75K+ for a Checkmate... I would think even the 24 would squat like a sumo wrestler with twins hangin.
If they ever did pop out a twin 2400 I am sure they would not intend for it to be rigged with two 3L's. I bet it would have a 400hp (twin limit) so you can only run 2.5L's (when it comes to Mercs which would only be 2x175's). IMO
If they ever did pop out a twin 2400 I am sure they would not intend for it to be rigged with two 3L's. I bet it would have a 400hp (twin limit) so you can only run 2.5L's (when it comes to Mercs which would only be 2x175's). IMO

The 2400 is rated for "unlimited" HP. I was told that held true for twins as well.

Also, something to keep in mind, 3L motors only weigh 74lbs more than the 2.5L 175 Opti. Totaling less than 150lbs for a heck of a lot more torque and power. I think it would be worth it, but that is just my opinion.

ndaniels, I like the idea of around 15" of setback if you don't plan on trimming the motors way up. Randy and I estimated around 22" if you need to really get them up high... I need the clearance for shallows and trailering.

I have got to get off of this thread, I can feel my debt getting deeper as I type! LOL

If they ever did pop out a twin 2400 I am sure they would not intend for it to be rigged with two 3L's. I bet it would have a 400hp (twin limit) so you can only run 2.5L's (when it comes to Mercs which would only be 2x175's). IMO

:lol: and they only intended for your predictor to have a 125 on it :poke:
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Actually, it would probably cost closer to $85,000-$90,000 with 300's. I do have a brand new pair of counter rotating 250xs motors for sale. Counter rotating 300's can only be bought in Offshores which cost $750 more each. You'd be closer to $35-$36K for the motors. Steering is another $6000. Then you add double the guages, and triple for the controls. Then add another $5000 for the transom upgrade.
I'd love to build one, and talked to Checkmate quite a bit on how to do the transom. I'd be a bit concerned about the handling though. A guy put twin 300X motors on a 27 Convincor a few years ago and I was told it was uncontrolable. Of course I was'nt driving it.
It may work fine, but who's gonna pay to find out?
I bought Kip's 2400 a little while back, and having run it enough now to know what it will do I think you are giving the notch too much credit. My boat, with the full dash and open bow is a little heavier than a CD, but lighter than a BRX. From talking with Randy, Kip, and GWCPA, I don't think that Checkmate got as much out of the notch as they expected when they designed the hull. That's why they aren't building them all with the notch. If I had the money to buy a brand new 2400 I would keep the extra 10 inches of running surface and add more setback just the way Randy does it. He is the man when it comes to setting these up. I also think with twins the boat would not be balanced right and would tend to drop its tail when it gets launched in the air.
All that being said, if someone does buy one with twins I would gladly pay for the gas and beverages to go for a ride!

ps: someone buy my Starlet please, the wife wants her car back in the garage.
I figure the notch hurts performance when it comes to watersports/low speed, which at this point in my life isn't a priority... I don't see any other disadvantages to it than that- less stress on the transom should equal longer hull life, I'd think. If I was buying one, I'd opt for it...after reading and hearing about checkmates and 24' superboats with twin outboards- I don't think I'd do it on either one. Cool idea, though.
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